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Diverse group photo of RACE members posing on the roof of a parking garage with tall business buildings in the background.



RACE logo

What is RACE?


RACE to Wellness is a campaign developed by Network Connect to Reverse the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) amongst teens. The CDC defines ACEs as “potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood (0-17 years).” ACEs can include experiences such as: experiencing violence, experiencing abuse or neglect, or a death in the family. ACEs can also include environmental factors such as: drug or alcohol abuse, incarcerated family members, mental health issues in the family, or separated parents.

Program Description


The mission of RACE is to increase understanding of ACES, enhance family capacity to lessen the impact of ACES, and promote early intervention of ACEs through universal screening of Delaware youth and families and the implementation of preventative strategies within Delaware schools.


The vision of RACE is to ensure that all teens in the metro Delaware area who have experienced ACEs have the tools they need to access mental and physical support in learning spaces and in their homes. 


RACE programs put into practice the CDC’s six strategies to prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences: strengthen economic support for families, promote social norms that protect against violence and adversity, ensure a strong start for children, teach skills, connect youth to caring adults and activities, and intervene to lessen immediate and long-term harms. 


Our RACE campaign consists of 4 programs: after-school programming, summer camps, the distribution of RACE kits, and RACE days.

RACE After-School Programming


RACE After School Programming provides students with an enriching and supportive environment after school hours.

Picture of a teenager participating in a after-school program, holding a receptical with assorted items.



RACE Camp is a year-round program developed to connect elementary and middle school students to recreational, cultural, and creative activities to strengthen learning. The program provides an enriching environment that promotes meeting academic goals and building social-emotional skills. Camp programming over the years has included gardening, STEM, yoga, arts and more.



Network Connect delivers RACE kits, monthly mental wellness packages, to youth and families across the state. ​We partner with local community-based organizations (CBOs) to provide social and mental health services when disseminating the RACE kits. There are currently three RACE kits; one for teens, one for children, and one for teenage girls. RACE kits provide families with simple everyday tools and strategies to address anxiety. Items can include stress balls, journals and pens, toiletry items, and more.

RACE Box kit open showing items included in the box.



RACE Days are events hosted around the state in partnership with community-based organizations. Events typically feature the distribution of RACE kits or other important resources for the community like clothing or food. In the past, we’ve hosted Teen Town Halls, a Community Food Drive w/ Scholars Turf, Thanksgiving Deliveries, and Adopt a Classroom during Kwanzaa. Past community partners include:

  • Positive Change Academy

  • Best Knights Inn 

  • The Georgetown Public Library 

  • The Dover Public Library 

  • Transforming Lives Inc logo
    Knight's Inn Logo
    Dover Library logo
    Georgetown Public Library logo


    Picture of RACE team wearing blue branded shirts in front of a house with a table setup with RACE kits ready for distribution
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