Wilmington Street Team

What is WST?
The Wilmington Street Team (WST) is a community-driven, anti-violence initiative created as part of the City of Wilmington’s Community Public Safety Initiative. Using proven, evidence-based methods, WST aims to prevent and de-escalate violence while fostering stronger relationships within the community. Network Connect is one of three Delaware-based nonprofit organizations— including the Youth Advocate Program and the Center for Structural Equity—that work together to guide WST’s efforts. Through its partnership, Network Connect also offers comprehensive support services to individuals identified by WST.
Community-focused interventions are key to reducing crime in Wilmington. WST utilizes a blend of outreach efforts, events, public forums, and resource access to help reduce violence in the city. The team’s comprehensive strategy includes engagement programs, incident responses, and resource accessibility.
Learn about WST Programming
Current WST violence-prevention activities include:
Public Safety Round Tables - WST hosts bi-weekly round tables on behalf of the Wilmington Community Advisory Council in Wilmington’s East Side and Prices Run neighborhoods. During round tables, WST provides updates on community interventions and invites guest speakers to inform residents about valuable resources and services.
Community Events - Throughout the year, WST organizes events that unite the community. These include family-friendly gatherings, game nights, resource giveaways, and engagement activities for all ages. By promoting connection, WST builds trust and unity among residents.
East Side Hub and Northeast Hub - The East Side Hub and the Northeast Hub serve as welcoming spaces where community members can access vital resources like bus passes, clothing, diapers, employment assistance, food, and laundry services.
Dispatch Calls - The Wilmington Police Department dispatches the WST to respond to non-violent dispatch calls, ensuring appropriate support and helping to de-escalate situations.
Community Encounters - WST facilitates positive community encounters, providing helpful community engagement, safe passage, violence disruption, and essential resources to address quality of life.
Early reports on the impact of these programs have shown a decrease in crime in the Delaware areas, as supported by WST. Partner with us to support and expand this initiative across the state.